About EWBC

Our Pastor

Our Covenant

6 thoughts on “About EWBC

  1. Hello Gregory,
    I don’t know if Pastor Sam ever got back to you. I think I forwarded your comments to him, but will do so again to make sure he saw them. Obviously you posted this a year ago and there is some indication I did something with it, but I want to make sure. Yes, Camp Butterpoint was the name. Taylor is now married with children of his own. I’m not sure of the other two. I came to East Winthrop not many years after your church visited. I ended up organizing and then directing the camp for several years before we had to see that era come to an end. Pastor Sam has spoken a number of times about that church that came up from New Jersey and how wonderful it was. I am glad to know the church shared its love with you and your church. It sounds like you are faithfully walking with the Lord, and that is cause for joy. May God bless you and your family,

  2. Hey Pastor Sam! You may not remember me, but almost 30 years ago a small church from a small town in Southern New Jersey came and fellowshipped with EWBC for a week at Camp Butterpoint (I believe that was the name, if my memory serves me.) I was one of the children that came, and fondly remember being fast friends with Taylor, Heidi, And Katie… I’m sure everyone was very kind, but those three have stayed in my mind and prayers throughout the years. Decades later, and states away, the Love you, your family, and your church family shared with us has continued to endure and has become one of my favorite moments from my childhood. God bless you and your family! (…to the last generation!)

  3. Is your church winning souls and baptizing new converts.
    A lot of people don’t know what BIBLICAL REPENTANCE is and are not preaching about it.
    May God greatly use you and your church.

  4. Hello. I would like information on the possibility of having a wedding there on June 17, 2017 and not being a member. Is this possible? Its for my niece and her fiance’. Also to see if it’s possible to use their family Pastor Stan Moody to do the service. Thank you.

  5. Pastor Sam. If you would be willing I would like you email that will enable me to communicate via email about area Pastor’s information if you would so like.
    Lord Bless,
    Bryan Church

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