“That all may know, love, & worship God.”
EWBC Mission
We, in the presence of God and of each other, profess our faith in God as our Father, in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, and in the Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Guide; and we enter with joy into this covenant with God and each other as one body in Christ. Realizing and admitting our sin and weakness as fallible human beings, we have found in Jesus Christ: a complete revelation of the love of God; an example for our own lives; a Savior who has redeemed us from futility and failure; and an abiding presence, whose power to work through us is limited only by our willingness to receive and obey.
We believe that in the Holy Bible God has revealed certain truths, principles, and requirements which make inescapable demands upon our lives; and we willingly accept our responsibility to live accordingly. We believe it is our duty and pledge ourselves to:
Read the Scriptures diligently, and teach them faithfully to our children;
Observe the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper;
Seek, by word and example, to lead others to Christ;
Help send the gospel to the whole human family;
Participate regularly in the worship, business and ministries of this church;
Tithe our income and give generously of our time, talents and wealth; and
Promote the unity and harmony of this church as a local expression of God’s Kingdom.
While faithfully observing the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and together maintaining a Gospel ministry, we pledge our service to Christ in the fellowship of this church, endeavoring to love all and to remember one another in prayer, to share in each other’s joys, and to sustain each other in times of distress; in all of this, we aspire to be a fellowship of the concerned, where the lost may find Jesus Christ, sinners may find pardon, and seekers may find welcome. May God bless, guide and strengthen us in the keeping of this covenant.